System Administrator

John Laggui

6805 Lebanon Road · Frisco, TX 75034 · (201) 993-4993 ·

High Level Senior Support Specialist with 3+ years of experience in different enterprise environments. Experienced in fast paced environments designing, developing, and maintaining systems integrations using serverless functions utilizing the power of the cloud.


Senior Help Desk Technician

Moxie Pest Control

  • Other than providing end user support, I automated onboarding, software install and updates, and computer provisioning using Google Apps Script, Azure Functions and shell scripting
  • Lead admin for top level systems responsible for administrating Google Applications and Office 365
  • Managed over 200 Apple devices utitlizing JAMF MDM to its full potential with scripting configurations
  • Deployed a centralized monitoring environment(Grafana, InfluxDB, Telegraf) which gather system metrics as well as docker run‑time metrics
  • Developed and implemented ETL process and designed database to house CRM data to be used for data analytics
  • May 2021 - Present

    Help Desk Technician

    Moxie Pest Control

  • Strong drive to provide excellent customer service and experience, with an awareness of prioritization of tasks, stakeholders, budget, and time
  • Received award for resolving 300+ tickets in the month of March as the sole Help Desk Agent
  • Provided computer and software support via Zendesk ticketing to over 500+ employees
  • Documented ticket troubleshooting steps and resolution
  • Understanding and appreciation for information security within systems and user devices
  • February 2021 - May 2021

    IT Specialist

    Innovative Autism Connections

  • Designed, built, and managed database architecture using Google Cloud Platform setting up connection to web application
  • Provided technical support via phone and email to employees using proprietary software and IT related issues
  • Used Remote Desktop to keep employee hardware functional. Assisted employees with anti virus procedures
  • Utilized problem solving ability to troubleshoot technical issues
  • Documented and tracked employee submitted tickets along with status and details involving technical issues
  • April 2020 - November 2020

    Data Center Technician

    IES | Facebook

  • Maintain hardware and network infrastructure in the data center site
  • Perform installation of network equipment
  • Respond to tickets and troubleshoot any network failures in a timely manner
  • DMonitor health of data center connections and used problem solving skills to prevent future network issues
  • Comply with data center safety protocols at all times
  • March 2018 - March 2020


    New Jersey Institute of Technology

    Bachelor of Science
    Information Technology | System Admin and Network Security Track

    GPA: 3.06

    January 2015 - December 2017

    Hudson County Community College

    Bachelor of Science
    Computer Sciencce

    GPA: 3.8

    September 2013 - December 2014


    Programming Languages & Tools
    • Low Code, Scalable Automation
    • Focused on Security, Reliability & Cloud Implementation
    • Computer Science Background & Experience Managing Enterprise Systems
    • Agile Development & Scrum


    Apart from being an learner of cloud technlogies, I enjoy the lifestyle of a pickup bastketball player, frequently going out to the local gym and getting a good sweat in.

    When forced indoors, I am an amatuer chef and an even more amateur video game player spending most of that time player only the most exquisite fantasy and singleplayer games known to man.


    • Cloud Resume Challenge Project

    • • Designed and created AWS architecture for the purpose of hosting this website that acts as a resume
    • • Enabled the use of SAM and Cloudformation to automate stack creation and code deployment
    • • Implemented the use of the following AWS resources and tech: Lambda, S3, API Gateway, Cloudfront, DynamoDB, Github Actions
    • • Develop API to extract and load website visitor count from DynamoDB to Frontend

    • Homelab

    • • Primary uses are file server and web server and experimenting with new projects
    • • Tech stack - Virtual Box, Windows Server 2016, Docker